Indexed and Abstracted in: Crossref, CAS Abstracts, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, Science Central, Ulrich, SciPeople, NEWJOUR, ResearchGATE USA, Open-J-Gate, Revistas Médicas Portuguesas, Scholar Article Journal Index
International Journal of Medical & Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJMPS) is one of the monthly international Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences journals. IJMPS is a peer-reviewed indexed journal that is available online and in print format as well.
Aim and Scope:
IJMPS is a monthly indexed international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research and review articles in fields of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Scope of the journal includes branches of Medical & Pharmaceutical.
IJMPS follows stringent guidelines to select the manuscripts based on its originality, importance, timeliness, accessibility, grace, and astonishing conclusions.
Vision Statement:
To become epitome of scholarly publication by encouraging publications of high-quality original research and review work in the field of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Affiliation and Ownership:
International Journal of Medical & Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJMPS) is the official publication of Radiance Research Academy which is governed by Swadesh Welfare Education Society, Nagpur (Registered under Society's Act 1860, XXI, Regd. No. 868/11 Ngp and Bombay Trust Act 1950 Regd. No. F-287/4 Ngp). Journal's publication activities are administered through Radiance Research Academy.
IJMPS Award for Best Article:
IJMPS editorial team MONTHLY selects one 'Best Article' for the award among published articles.
The articles in IJMPS are open access articles licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted, non-commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.
IJMPS's Code of Conduct:
To achieve a high standard of publication, we adopt Code of Conduct which is inspired by guidelines (updated in 2018) provided by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). This code of conduct is prepared by the Board of Directors of Radiance Research Academy to maintain the high quality of its official periodical. It also aims to uphold transparency in the journal operation process.
Principles of Transparency and Best Practices at IJMPS
As per the recent guidelines (updated and published January 2018) by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME). International Journal of Medical & Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJMPS) voluntarily adopts the following mechanism as Best Practices to maintain the Principles of Transparency.
1. Website:
Domain name selected for website i.e. is unique and abbreviation of the journal's name. Information given on the journal's website is detailed. Care has been taken to ensure high ethical and professional standards. Necessary information for authors, reviewers, editors, and other stakeholders has been provided in detail. The aim, scope, and readership of the journal are clearly defined.
2. Name of journal:
The name of the journal- International Journal of Medical & Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJMPS) is unique and it matches the content published in the journal. Manuscripts are published as per the aim and scope of the journal.
3. Peer review process:
A double-blinded peer-review process is adopted at IJMPS. Journal Management Software, Artificial Intelligence technique is used to select reviewers from the concerned area of expertise to review the manuscript. Policies related to the 'Manuscript Review Process' are clearly described on the journal website. IJMPS does not guarantee acceptance of manuscript or short peer-review times.
4. Ownership and management:
International Journal of Medical & Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJMPS) is owned by Radiance Research Academy, its office address is- 148, IMSR Building, Ayurvedic Layout, Sakkardara, Nagpur, PIN-440024, Maharashtra, India. Radiance Research Academy is governed by Swadesh Bahu-uddeshiya Kalyanakari Shikshan Sanstha (Registered under Indian Society's Act 1860 and Bombay Trust Act ).
5. Governing body:
Journal editorial board consists of eminent experts in the subject areas included within the journal's scope. The Journal management team is responsible for the overall daily administration of the official activities of the journal. Details of the editorial board and journal management team along with their roles and responsibilities are displayed on the journal's website.
6. Editorial team / contact information:
IJMPS's Editorial Board members are eminent experts in the subject areas included within the journal's scope. They are identified from different countries. The average experience of editorial board members is 10 years. Mostly, subject experts from academia from different universities around the world are identified as editorial board members. Full names, affiliation, and contact details of editorial board members are displayed in the 'Editorial Board' section of the journal's website.
7. Copyright and Licensing:
The policy for copyright is clearly stated in the author's guidelines, a sample copy of the copyright form is available on IJMPS's website. Licensing information is also clearly described in guidelines on the website and individual published articles. Policies on posting of final accepted versions or published articles on third party repositories are clearly stated.
8. Author fees:
Manuscript processing charges INR 3000 (USD 100 for foreign authors) is clearly mentioned in the author's guidelines section of the journal's website. Potential authors can easily find information about manuscript processing charges prior to submitting their manuscripts for review to IJMPS.
9. Process for identification of and dealing with allegations of research misconduct:
Following mechanism adopted at IJMPS to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred including plagiarism, citation manipulation, and data falsification/fabrication.
10. Publication Ethics:
IJMPS has policies on publishing ethics, it includes-
These policies are discussed in detail on IJMPS's website.
11. Publishing schedule:
International Journal of Medical & Pharmaceutical Sciences is published monthly. Theme based issues are published at regular intervals as 'Special Issues'.
12. Access:
International Journal of Medical & Pharmaceutical Sciences is open access journal under Creative Commons license. Readers can freely access the journal and individual articles from the journal website without its subscription. The print version of the journal is available for subscription to institutional libraries.
13. Archiving:
IJMPS has its own mechanism for electronic backup and preservation. The self repository is used to archive the articles as per DOI identification number. IJMPS also archives published articles via indexing agencies including several library repository agencies. Currently, the journal is working on the preservation of articles using CLOCKSS, and related such electronic backup services.
14. Revenue sources:
Administrative and other expenses are met through revenue generated via author fees, subscriptions, reprints, and institutional support. Several schemes and Research incentives are given to encourage research and publication culture among readers and authors. Details of these schemes and research incentives are detailed on IJMPS's website.
15. Advertising:
IJMPS do not advertise widely. Publication of journal issue is notified to authors and readers through e-mail and official social media including Facebook and Twitter. The Journal management team takes a decision on popularizing the notifications.
16. Direct marketing:
IJMPS do not use direct marketing as a tool for advertising purpose.
Research Incentive Schemes
Best Article Award
Other journal published by Radiance Research Academy
List of Awardees
RSS feed
Indexed and Abstracted in
Antiplagiarism Policy: IJMPS strongly condemn and discourage practice of plagiarism. All received manuscripts have to pass through "Plagiarism Detection Software" test before forwarding for peer review. We consider "Plagiarism is a crime"
IJMPS Code of Conduct: To achieve a high standard of publication, we adopt Good Publishing Practices (updated in 2022) which are inspired by guidelines provided by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)
Disclaimer: International Journal of Medical & Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJMPS) provides platform for researchers to publish and discuss their original research and review work. IJMPS can not be held responsible for views, opinions and written statements of researchers published in this journal.
International Journal of Medical & Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJMPS) provides platform for researchers to publish and discuss their original research and review work. IJMPS can not be held responsible for views, opinions and written statements of researchers published in this journal
148, IMSR Building, Ayurvedic Layout,
Near NIT Complex, Sakkardara,
Nagpur-24, Maharashtra State, India
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